DEVOUR was inspired by real events in Antarctica. In December 2012, a British expedition, led by Professor Martin Siegert, set up camp on the a remote Antarctic ice sheet. The team’s aim was to drill down through three kilometres of ice to reach a subterranean lake, known as Lake Ellsworth. They believed that in that lake, cut off from the rest of the world for centuries, in total darkness, they would find life, never before seen, known as ‘extremophiles’ because they can survive such hazardous conditions. Sadly, the Lake Ellsworth team did not manage to reach the buried lake and called off the expedition. But, the question remains: what if there is ancient life down there, and, for me as an author the big question is: what if bringing this microbial life to the surface had unexpected and dire consequences? This is the premise of DEVOUR. I hope you enjoy my novel.